I read everything I could get my hands on concerning Bartholin cysts before my procedures. Let me tell you, it is terrifying. If you've stumbled upon this blog first, then please stop here. I'll share with you everything I learned in a year and a half of research. If you're here after reading all of the horror stories, let me assure you that there is hope. Don't stress yourself by reading all of the nightmarish stuff out there. I promised myself and God that if my surgery was a success, I would create this blog to give hope to all women suffering from these things. That's why I'm here. Hang in there.
Focus on the good. Focus on healing. It is possible for you.
People are more likely to go onto a forum to complain than they are to post about something good. There's a lot of people out there talking about operations that failed, but there's also a fair number who insist that they worked. The medical research says that both word catheters and marsupializations prevent recurrences in 85% or more of cysts. My own doctor said that the cysts only come back 5-8% of the time.
Which brings me to my next piece of advice:
I was referred to a doctor who specializes in vaginal surgery, and I'm incredibly grateful for this. Shop around. Find the doctor who is best for you. Do not let a general practitioner do this op. At the very least, look for a gynecologist. From what I've read online, it is my opinion that the more experienced the doctor, the less risk there is of the cyst coming back. My doctor said that he has never had a patient come back with a cyst after marsupialization (knock on wood!). The stories of cysts recurring seem to primarily come from women who did not see a specialist. If your cyst is not infected, take the time to look for a doctor with plenty of experience with Bartholin cysts. This will increase your chance of recovering without any incident <3
Other opinions:
Drainage is worth trying at least once. Make sure that your doctor gives you a topical before injecting a local anesthetic. You have the right to demand this. If the drainage works, it is cheaper and saves you having to undergo a more invasive surgery. If it doesn't, you've tried it. Now you know.
The gender of the doctor doesn't matter. I know some women are more comfortable with a female gynecologist. I grew up getting health care at the VA, so I never really cared. I expected my female doctor to be more understanding about my cyst. She was the one who couldn't be bothered by me crying from pain, and who did not give me a topical. My male doctor was infinitely more compassionate, made sure that I was numbed, and made sure I was unconscious for the surgery.
Whether you see a male or female shouldn't matter. It is more important that you see a specialist.
Have someone go with you to any appointments. It can be a significant other, a loved one, a friend - anyone you are comfortable with. My boyfriend and I were long distance when I had my surgeries, so my mom was wonderful and went to all except my first with me. If you are in pain, they can drive you. They can help you remember what the doctor says. They can ask questions you forget. They can also hold your hand as you're afraid or in pain - and there is no shame if you experience either. You don't have to go through this alone. Please don't try to.
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